Label: "jános lázár"

máv vasút vonat motorvonat
August 31, 2023 08:35

Transport Minister orders MÁV to concentrate all resources on the Budapest-Hegyeshalom railway line

Immediate renovation is needed on the line to Vienna

magyar intercity
August 30, 2023 08:45

No funds for the ordered renovation of key Hungarian railway line

Track condition is poor on the main line to Vienna

July 21, 2023 09:18

Constitutional Court rejetcts Lázár's public construction investment bill

Minister of Construction's bill violates legal security

galvani híd
July 17, 2023 10:08

Ministry of Construction and Transport puts several important public construction projects on ice

Even some railway projects of critical importance - causing some harsh reaction

vendégmunkás külföldi munkás
July 12, 2023 11:12

Construction Minister's Investment Act to enter into force on 1 August

Parliament has voted in favour of a very patriotic bill

vasút sin
March 27, 2023 09:16

Hungarian gov't has renounced EU funding to renovate the Nyugati Railway Station - Ex-State Secretary

Transport expert Dávid Vitézy expressed his disappointment on Facebook

építkezés daru
March 21, 2023 10:50

Architecture Act: Hungarian construction materials should be protected

Here are the planned measures by the Minister of Construction and Transport

Getty építőipar építkezés munkások
March 06, 2023 16:17

Hungary's new architecture act to bring about radical changes

Here are the key principles

vasút vonatközlekedés tömegközlekedés
February 21, 2023 08:59

Here's how much new price cap on public transport will cost the Hungarian budget

Official Gazette sheds light on key figure

Lázár János kormánybiztos
February 16, 2023 09:27

Hungary gov't to redirect capacity from welfare investments towards industry - minister

János Lázár gives in-depth interview on the state of the construction industry

January 18, 2023 16:04

Hungary competition watchdog to look into dramatic retail price surges

GVH to start probe in retail food sector

lázár jános debrecen
November 25, 2022 11:06

Hungary Minister of Construction and Investment reveals his important goal

János Lázár also spoke about priority public investments.

November 22, 2022 09:07

New areas for the expanded Hungarian Ministry of Construction and Transport

Here is the detailed list.

cement építőipar
September 20, 2022 14:31

Hungarian gov't to set up state-owned cement factory

To ensure supply for construction industry

lázár jános
May 19, 2022 14:25

János Lázár back in government - What is he up to?

He also answers questions

orbán viktor miniszterek kormány
April 20, 2022 11:21

First names of the new Orbán government leaked

There are old and new faces among them

December 10, 2020 17:20

Will Hungary really drive Tesco, Lidl and Aldi out of the country?

It would not end well

dohányzás cigaretta
November 03, 2020 09:15

Hungary may have to lower number of tobacco shops soon - PM's commissioner

Market needs to be reduced further